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Introduction to Computer System

Enrollment is Closed


This course is to introduce students with no prior knowledge to basics and key concepts of computer science. The main goals of this course are to understand and learn the basics of computer, the operation of computer, to make familiar with the part and function of computer and its types, to discuss its characteristics, its usage, limitations and benefits etc. This course provides an undergraduate-level introduction to cover the fundamentals of computer system and relative areas.

Learning Goals

At the end of this course, it is intended that the students will be able to:

• Develop a basic understanding of many areas of computer systems, evolutions and generations

• Recognize basic operations of computer system and related systems

• Calculate number systems

• Distinguish input/output devices

• Plan the computer program

• Classify types of computer

• Learn operating system

Course Operation Period

Period : November 1 ~ December 31, 2022

Course Level



Students should have a little experience on e-learning lectures.

Evaluation Standard

• Attendance : 20%

• Assignment : 20%

• Mid-term Exam : 30%

• Final Exam : 30%

• Total = 100%

Summary of Curriculum

This course will teach the fundamentals of computer systems, number systems, computer codes, computer arithmetics, Boolean algebra, logic circuits, secondary storage device and computer software.

Textbook & References

• Textbook: Computer Fundamentals Concepts, Systems and Applications", Fourth Edition, By Pradeep K. Sinha . Priti Sinha0%

• Additional Reference: Computer Science An Overview, 11th Edition, By J. Glenn Brookshear

Professor Information

Dr. Chaw Su
Dr. Chaw Su got her Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Information Technology from Technological University ( Monywa ), Myanmar in 2006. She continued her studies for Master of Technology specialized in Computer Science and Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), India and got it in 2011 and she got Ph.D degree in Information Technology from Mandalay Technological University (Myanmar) finally in 2015. Now she have been working as a Professor in Faculty of ICT in University of Technology. Her specialization is Digital Signal Processing, Computer Organization, Data Communication and Networking and Machine Learning. She is doing research in Digital Signal Processing and she published 9 papers till now.
[email protected]

T.A. Information

Dr. May Mon Khaing
Dr. May Mon Khaing got her Bachelor of Engineering from Technological University (Monywa) in 2006 and Master of Engineering from West Yangon Technological University, Yangon in 2010. She continues her studies for Doctor of Philosophy (IT) in University of Technology, UT, Myanmar and she got it finally in 2014. Now she have been working as a Professor in Faculty of ICT in UT. Her specialization is Data Communication and Networking. She is doing research in this fields and she published 5 papers till now.
[email protected]
Dr. Yadana Htun
Dr. Yadana Htun got her Bachelor of Engineering from Technological University (Mandalay) in 2006 and Master of Engineering also from this University in 2010. She continues her studies for Doctor of Philosophy (IT) in University of Technology, UT, Myanmar and she got it finally in 2014. Now she have been working as a Professor in Faculty of ICT in UT. Her specialization is Data Communication and Networking. She is doing research in this fields and she published 7 papers till now. She did ACU LMS Administrator since 2017 at UT until now. She also did Studio Engineer of Project Management in 2019.
[email protected]

Learner assistance

How can I receive assistance with regards to the online class (ex. attendance, quizzes, class contents, and other issues with regards to participating in this class?

With regards issues on participating in the course, please inquire directly to the course instructor or any of the course assistants. They are more than happy to provide you with the assistance you may need.

How can I receive assistance with regards to accessing the ACU-LMS class page or the platform in general?

The Asean Cyber University (ACU) Secretariat will provide you with any technical assistance you may need in accessing the contents or courses in the ACU-OER platform. For assistance, please reach us through email: [email protected].

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